Old house New House Old House New House: Helpers

Tuesday 27 September 2011


When you work on a DIY project do you prefer to be alone with your thoughts? Do you like to have a little motivational music playing in the background, Or you prefer the company of others?

I like doing my projects with out the help of my husband when I can. I find I get more work done that way. I put on some music, I like to alone with my thoughts. I do how ever have 2 helpers,if you can call them help:

Here is a close up of them, so you can judge for yourself just how helpful they really are:

Leo (the poodle) and Grizzly(our rottweiler) also supervise during yard work, they really like helping in the garden. They are the reason we had no peas to eat this year!

What do you think, alone in solitude, alone with music or do you like to have a helper to keep you company?

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