I was thinking that it would be fun to make a beauty page.
Afterall this is a renovation and DIY blog and whats better than natural
beauty products that you can make yourself! Somedays we may be a bit of a 'fixer upper ourselves! So I decided to share all of my beauty secrets!and the good news is you need look no further than your fridge for most of the ingredients.
These are all natural, and not only will they make you feel like a million bucks, you will look like a million bucks too!
OK so here is my absolute favourite: This mask does it all heals, evens skin tone, helps clear up breakouts, rashes and is a wonderful anti aging mask.
This face mask is the best one that I have come across, I think that in the last year it has changed and improved my skin more than any drug store product ever could and its just 3 simple ingredients!
*Honey banana yogurt
Simply combine: a tsp of honey, a tbsp of yogurt (make sure to only use plain yogurt, I like greek yogurt the best but regular will work just fine) and about 1/4 of a banana.
mix all three ingredients together in a bowl (I usually use a hand mixer to breakup the banana)
Than generously slather it all onto your face and neck. Don't forget about your neck, did you know the skin on your neck is even more delicate than the skin on your face?
leave for 10 to 15 minutes than just sit back and relax while you enjoy a relaxing tingling feeling as the healing propertys in the honey, the riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine and numerous vitamins in the banana, and the lactic acid in the yogurt all go to work on your skin!
Cleaning and moisturizing your skin in a way that no over the counter product can!
Than simply rinse off with warm water and brace yourself because your skin is about to feel like silk!
The Honey Strawberry Yogurt Mask
http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=1499Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Simply mix a couple of strawberries. (make sure that they are organic, afterall you don't want to mix any chemicals onto your face with this)
1 tsp of honey
1 tbsp of plain yogurt (greek or regular just make sure its plain)
Apply to your skin and wait 10 minutes for the magic!
the strawberries are great at exfoliating skin because of the salicylic acid in them it cleanses and refreshes your skin, tightens your pours, and helps to heal acne blemishes.
simply rinse off and your ready to show off your fabulous skin!
Honey Avacado Mask
This is soothing and great for restoring collagen to the skin!
All you need is a bit of honey about 1 tbsp
2 tsbp of avacado
mix them together and apply to the skin.
let sit for 15 minutes and than rinse, your skin will feel AMAZING!!!!
The Most FAbulous Hair MAsk Ever!!!!
I have long hair, mid way to back long, and I like to be blond so I know alot about dry hair!!
This is my favourite hair mask and its soooo easy and cheap!
Banana Honey Mask
David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.netSimply mix together about 2 tbsp of yogurt (plain or course)
1 tbsp of honey
1 egg yoke
Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
mix all ingredients together and than rub it into your hair saturate your ends!
Next wrap your hair in a plastic shower cap, I am never organized enough to even think to buy shower caps, but a plastic groccery bag wrapped around the top of your head like a hat and than twisted and tucked up works exactly the same and costs nothing.
Next find a good book to read or warm tub to lay in and relax as the mask works its way into your hair! about a half hour.
Than simply rinse out and shampoo and condition as usual.
You will pretty much notice a difference in your hair within the first couple of weeks of doing this! Seriously its THAT GOOD!
Miracle Products!
There are 3 things that I like to use as leave in treatments for my hair and moisturizers for my skin, you should be able to buy any of these three products at your local health food store for around $10.00
Coconut oil is my #1 favourite
I love coconut oil!!!!
I put it in my hair almost everyday after I wash it. Its a great leave in treatment, it moisturizes and detangles the ends, and it gives my hair great shine without weighing it down. Remember never put it in the roots though just the ends, unless doing a hair mask with it.
I also love it on my skin just mix a tiny drop with your favourite moisturizer or better yet put it on by itself. I use it every morning before applying my makeup and it makes my skin feel like silk. It won't cause your skin to break out, I was abit worried about this at first since my skin is prone to being oily but it really won't!
It can protect your skin against UV rays, but I don't recomend replacing your usual sun screen with it.
It has natural healing properties which sooth dry skin, its a bit heavier than some other oils and works great on cracked heels and super dry skin. Soothes eczema too!
You can also use it for cooking ;) It helps with cholesterol levels, metabolism, digestion, increases immunity, and weight loss! Tastes great on popcorn too.
Almond Oil
http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=2719meepoohfoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Almond oil is another one of my faves. Its great for your hair, you can add it to hair masks or just put a drop or two in the ends of your hair after you wash it.
I use it to remove eye makeup at the end of the day and as a moisturizer. Its fantastic! in bible times it was a luxury oil and once you start using it, its easy to see why!
Almond oil improves complexion, lightens dark under eye circles, prevents blackheads, helps with acne and eczema. Its also an amazing anti aging product, smooths and helps prevent wrinkles.
Avacado Oil
http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=809Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
This is an oil that has been around forever. Its wonderful in the hair! add it to any mask hair or face for a little extra moisture benefits.
Avacado oil is rich in potassium - known as the youth mineral! vitamins A, E, & d, proteins, beta-carotene, & lecithin
Studys have shown that avacado oil can actually increase the amount of collagin found in the skin, something that as we age actually decreases. It has also been proven to help heal sun damage
DIY Face scrubs!!!
Almond face scrub
So My absolute favourite face scrub is so easy you won't believe it!
All you need is raw almonds a coffee grinder and a bit of milk.
1 take your almonds (2-3 tbsp) grind them til they are fine in a coffee grinder or blender
2 mix with a bit of milk, just enough to make it into a thick paste.
3 apply to your skin and gently rub around than rinse.
The almond oil is great for your skin, and the lactic acid in the milk will perk your skin right up leaving it feeling baby soft!
I usually grind up some almonds and leave them in a little container in my bathroom they never last long, and you can add a drop of coconut oil, avacado or almond oil and water to it too to mix it that way too.
Oatmeal almond scrub
Easy as it sounds.
Take some almonds grind them up in a coffee grinder
Take some oatmeal grind it up
mix the two together and when you are ready to use just add a bit of milk or
water and make a paste.
Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.nethttp://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=809
rub gently onto skin. Sometimes I let it sit for a couple of minutes so that my skin gets all the rewards of the almonds and the soothing benefits of the oatmeal than rinse it off and you are ready to go!
Olive Oil Body Scrub
http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=681m_bartosch / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
A body scrub that works great is olive oil and white caster sugar!
All you need is a bit of olive oil and white sugar
mix up 1/2 cup olive oil
Suat Eman / FreeDigitalPhotos.nethttp://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=151
apply liberally to legs, torso, feet. This will keep for a long time so I usually just put mine in a plastic container with a lid and leave it in the shower.